Thursday, March 8, 2007


The sea was calm
faint shapes of birds flew towards the horizon
the water lapped silently
as if welcoming someone for a dip.
The soft winds slowly tousel
the leaves of the coconut trees
along the white sandy beach.
But that's not the end of the wind
the speed picked up slowly
to embrace it, it almost feels like bliss
turn away from it, and be pushed by it.
Not only did the trees shake more hysterically
the waves came in looming... looming
and all of a sudden, everything died down
as fast as it came, it went.
The wind can be felt no longer
but the once still sea roared once again thunderously
as if for revenge against the wind
the waves swallowed the white sandy beach.
In desperation, the ants on the beach tried to run
only to be consumed by it
and become part of it...

1 comment:

yilynn said...

y the past tense??
